Sitekit worked on achieving a vivid vision, strategy, specification, and proof of concept for a personalised user experience for NHS patients. Having an existing strategy for Identity Access Management, the NHS still required the design to conform to information privacy principles. The infographic below provides an overview of the NHS Account vision as a result of Sitekit’s involvement.

Sitekit recognised that Personalisation sits on a maturity path and wanted to develop an approach that allowed the NHS to make small steps forward so the benefits could be more quickly realised. The NHS Personalisation model helps the NHS consider what levels of personalisation are needed for each use case.


The customer required a solution architecture that would give the NHS more agility to respond to user needs and enable an ecosystem of the best HealthTech in the world to innovate and offer an excellent user experience that users expect. Leading on to this project Sitekit identified several problems and implications that influenced the proposed solution:

  • Patients have a disjointed/poor experience across channels that is a result of underdeveloped UX and missing relevant data for services to work efficiently.
  • Patients have to regularly re-enter personal data into digital services which results in poor quality of data entry and poor patient engagement with digital services.
  • As NHS Clinical Services can’t currently share data easily between them, the patient becomes the conduit. Current digital systems do not allow the patient to pass data entered via one digital service to another. This results in the inability to tailor the digital service experience.
  • Digital solutions present the opportunity to deliver personalised and dynamic health services to patients, which is not being capitalised on. This results in the information accessed online being generic, while more specific information is hard to find. Moreover, the search for this information relies on the patient, meaning they might miss out on the useful clinically-assured information and turn to unreliable sources

NHS Account Diagram


One of the focus points for Sitekit was to take the customer on the journey of visualising the problem for the NHS. The whole project was under constant review by software designers who ensured that the specifications delivered were implementable. As a result, we came up with a technical road map while also helping to define a much-needed long-term organisational vision. In turn, this eases the customer journey with a proposed solution; moving closer to the vision of a digital front door and personalised experience for users.

As an additional feature to this project, Sitekit was also able to provide a cost list so the client had the ability to envision the project in greater detail.

When Sitekit joined the project the NHS had a mature vision of the NHS Account and now needed to develop a solution architecture that would achieve this vision.


Considering the challenges outlined before, Sitekit succeeded in proposing an efficient offering of a solutions architecture service, which is seen as a vision for a future personalised healthcare experience. We explored different aspects of the solution, from low-fidelity designs to prototypes, to help visualise hard-to-understand concepts and to reduce design risk. We also tested the concepts by supporting teams to evaluate the ideas at hackathons and presented them to subject-matter experts and to wider NHS Architecture forums

Sitekit built a solution that respects patient privacy and puts standardised concepts in place. Sitekit identified the core data requirements and created a minimum viable dataset that the NHS Account will use to provide a consistent profile across digital services.

The major benefit of this project showed that Sitekit fundamentally helped the NHS to think about information privacy and how that is used to scale.

The NHS Digital Staff Passport: Transforming workforce mobility and Trust

The Sitekit Digital Staff Passport puts Doctors in Training in control over their identity and makes it easy for them to provide proof of identity and employment as they move around the NHS.

NHS Digital Staff Passport

PASA - Rapid provisioning of access for new starters: a business case

The Provisioning and Systems Access business case developed by Sitekit for Blackpool Teaching Hospital and NHSX (now NHS England) demonstrated potential for 350% ROI over 5 years and enabled the commissioning of the next steps.

NHS PASA - Provisioning & Systems Access